ZMUD is fully customizable and 90 percent compatible with TinTin++ clients. Regardless of what it stands for, a MUD is an online environment where multiple users are logged on and interacting with one another.
MUD stands for Multi-User Dungeon, Multi-User Domain, or Multi-User Dimension. This sophisticated GUI client supports multiple character windows (multiplaying), aliases, triggers with complex pattern matching including regular expressions, macro keys, variables, speedwalking, spell checking, automatic map generation, equipment database, graphical buttons, extensive built-in and user-defined functions, ANSI color, Simutronics game support, VT100 support, MSP, MXP, MCP, MCCP support, GSL, Pueblo emulation, word wrapping, alarms, and online help. ZMUD is the fastest and most versatile MUD/Telnet client for PC/Windows.